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Confusing and overpowering sentiments may surface when experiencing anything new or challenging in your life. It can be challenging to pinpoint your specific feelings when a lot is going on inwardly, and it can be even more challenging to choose how you should respond.

Look no further than the emotion wheel and wheel of needs if you want to improve your emotional literacy and realize the real needs of your life.

Table of Contents

What’re the wheels of emotion definition?

A psychiatric tool that assists people in verbalizing and identifying their complex feelings is the emotion wheel.

One of the most well-known variants of the emotion wheel was created by psychiatrist Robert Plutchik, Ph.D. It is a flower-shaped graphic that shows human emotions and their varied, neighboring ties to one another.

Despite the fact that people can experience more than 34,000 different emotions, Robert thought that there are just eight fundamental, basic emotions that form the basis for all other emotions, in all their ranges and degrees, to emerge and occur.

He wanted to comprehend the biological underpinnings of emotions and the relationships between them rather than dismissing them as too enigmatic or ill-defined for human understanding.

The Junto, Geneva, or feelings wheel, is a tool with numerous forms. Still, its main objectives are to shed light on what is going on in your mental landscape, zero in on the subtleties of that psychological response, and comprehend the depth and meaning behind those thoughts.

Vivien Roggero | Elite Transformation Coach |

List of primary emotions

The wheel identifies eight fundamental human emotions along with levels of linked, more complex variations.

Primary emotions are the real feelings that are hardwired into our brains from birth. Low-intensity feelings like acceptance, distraction, boredom, and so on can be found on the outside margins of the emotion wheel. The hue of the emotion wheel intensifies as you travel toward the middle, and softer emotions develop into your fundamental emotions.

As emotional responses to another emotion, such as the sensation of guilt while enraged or the sense of dread as a consequence of anger, humans can experience secondary emotions.

David L. Robinson, a psychiatrist, found that to connect with your real identity, it’s crucial to react to your emotions honestly.

The secondary emotions can act as a red flag to what is taking place if the primary feeling is not acknowledged since it can cause you to break your relationship with that sensation and bond with it.

The core, fundamental emotions employed in Robinson’s study of emotional experience are described, their origins, and how they manifest themselves here.

1. Sadness: Consists gloominess, unhappiness, sadness, indifference, hopelessness, isolation, and laziness. It could cause unsettling feelings like sobbing. The negative emotion in Plutchik’s emotion wheel is joy.

2. Anger: This is a personally unpleasant emotional state brought on by either real or imagined suffering done to a person or by what that person loves. Aggressiveness, such as fighting, can result from feelings of hate, hatred, aggression, and unhappiness. It is an innate territorial defense mechanism. The opposite surface is fear.

3. Disgust: Aversion, repulsion, and a refusal of connection or a desire for communication are all indications of disgust. The biological importance of hate is to facilitate successful reproduction and steer clear of places and things that could endanger life. The opposite feeling is trust.

4. Joy: A feeling of celebration, victory, exhilaration, and a profound sense of contentment. It’s a behavior that ensures the continuance of repeatedly effective activities. Sadness stands in contrast to happiness.

5. Trust: An amorphous sentiment of optimism, safety, and belief in other people. It’s the initial phase of psychological development and impacts how they perceive the world. The opposite feeling is disgust.

6. Fear: A primal feeling that can appear as frankness, uneasiness, worry, anxiety, doubt, or panic. In a natural sense, it aids in avoiding risks indicated by earlier associative learning. Anger stands in contrast to sadness.

7. Surprise: Surprising emotions are caused by discrepancies between what is expected and what happens. These emotions might leave you dumbfounded, amazed, shocked, and amazed. It arouses curiosity but could also prompt prudence to give time for a cognitive examination. The opposite of it is anticipation.

8. Anticipation: Waiting to receive an event with pleasure, eagerness, annoyance, pleasure, expectations, and uncertainty. A state of alertness and readiness for the future are linked to anticipatory emotions. Surprise is the opposite emotion to it.

How to use the wheel of emotions?

The wheel can help you more easily wrestle with your genuine emotions, make the best choice for you, and come to a gratifying conclusion. Take the emotion wheel to find the inciting incident, circumstance, or person influencing you. Name what you could be experiencing until it connects if you’re having trouble putting your hand on something.

The use of the wheel can be done in several different ways. What counts more is possessing a language you can use to elaborate on your feelings if you need to move beyond the simple sensation of feeling happy or awful without knowing the reason. This will assist you in slowing down and co-regulating by helping you become more aware of your body and the internal and outside variables that may influence your feelings.

What’s a wheel of needs?

You may feel lost and dissatisfied if you’re overloaded and unable to integrate and manage the important aspects of your life.

It occurs when routine daily activities interfere with the satisfaction of fundamental psychological requirements, which harms your well-being.

Simply put, when your core psychological requirements, such as independence, relatedness, and ability, are not being satisfied, your life is out of balance. Perhaps you are putting too much emphasis on your kids while your marriage deteriorates, or you are putting your financial well-being ahead of your enlightenment.

However, this can injure your health and mind, leading to excessive stress levels, among other things.

You need to get your senses to live a more fulfilled life and accomplish your objectives.

You may improve your overall wellness by recognizing and balancing the numerous parts of your life—family, friends, health, work environment, and spirit.

By balancing elements that affect overall health and recognizing life areas that require assistance, direction, and more attention, the Life’s Wheel practice will aid in this journey.

How to use a wheel of needs?

Paul J. Meyer, a forerunner in the field, came up with the initial concept for the Wheel of Life in the 1960s to aid individuals in achieving their objectives.

The wheel has many titles and shapes in today’s world, such as the Wheel of Success, the Coaching Wheel, and the Life Balance Wheel, but they all serve the same function: transition.

The divisions on the wheel usually range from eight to 10 and are necessary for living a happy life.

Although segment titles can differ, the topics are frequently the same. For instance:

  • Finances & Money
  • Work and Career
  • Fitness and Health
  • Fun and Recreation
  • Environment (at Home and Work)
  • Community
  • Family and Friends
  • Partner and Love
  • Personal Growth and Learning
  • Spirituality

Each segment receives a score to reflect the current degree of satisfaction.

The necessary dimension is underlined (or filled in) next to a value using a pre-drawn diagram like the one below. The essential measurement is circled (or filled in) next to a number using a pre-drawn diagram like the one below.

Vivien Roggero | Elite Transformation Coach | 5Wrf1Z3I6Ipqmhqi1Z6Tjaka Utef Fqyz Mx5Ufqkmnmbzohfpubsvumv4Z0Odwqcp Uyycxijexvdnwilnvckl0Fnmif4Kd Aqk Eu8Vqi2 D7Wewehg5 Vt5Xfm40Vzzixjbsdqicyo


Understanding your emotional needs and your life balance is important to lead a successful life. By the wheel of needs and the wheel of emotions, you can better understand what to do to improve your life

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Elite Transformation Coach
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Picture of Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero, an Elite Transformation and Executive Coach, specializes in high-performance coaching and personal transformation, guiding professionals to peak success and fulfillment. With decades of experience, Vivien empowers high achievers, executives, and entrepreneurs through mindset shifts and strategic development.
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