How To Be Yourself With These 10 Steps And Start Living In The Moment

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How To Be Yourself – Some people don’t know who they are, and they spend their whole lives understanding themselves. Also, they don’t feel comfortable being themselves around others. “Just be yourself” is the commonly heard advice that sounds like an amazing thing to do. If you want to embrace your personality and live in alignment with your values, you have to be yourself. 

Be yourself, meaning you must know who you are or hope to be. In addition, it’s about showing your true self and having a positive outlook on yourself. Here are the ten ways to learn how to be yourself. These fantastic ways will help you become your awesome self. Let’s jump in! 

Table of Contents

10 steps on how to be yourself

1. Get to know and appreciate yourself

Appreciate Yourself

From birth to adulthood, you have beliefs about who you are. But here the question is, do you know who you really are? The first step to being yourself is to discover yourself & know yourself. Moreover, each person has unique characteristics. No matter how you are, always accept yourself & appreciate yourself. Love yourself the way you are, flaws and all. 

2. Don’t live in the past

Many people stick to past mistakes. It prevents you from becoming who you indeed are. Therefore don’t live in the past because your past actions do not define your future. So, stop living in the past and invest in the art of letting go and moving on. 

3. Stop comparing yourself with others

If you always strive to be someone, it’ll knock down your self-confidence. Comparing yourself to others will prevent you from discovering yourself. Once you get rid of this insecurity & comparison, you’ll gain the strength to be yourself.

4. Stop worrying about what people think of you

Worrying & stressing about what other people think of you can hold you back. You should not wonder how other people view you because everyone has their own opinions. You need to let go of these concerns to be yourself and become happy.

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5. Don’t be a people pleaser

Do you find yourself always wanting people’s love and doing what people want you to do? It’s a problem that can harm your personal development, and it must be fixed. You need to know your own personal boundaries. So, instead of pleasing others, you should do things for your betterment now and then. 

6. Surround yourself with good people

A Group Of Friends Being Themselves Around Each Other

People grow best when surrounded by the people who support them, guide them, influence them, and help them grow. Choose your environment carefully and surround yourself with the positive people who inspire and motivate you. This will bring out the best in you and let you grow.

7. Identify your goals

Life without any goals is meaningless. You need to find and identify those goals. If you want to be the best version of yourself, it’s necessary to start setting goals. Write down your specific goals in life and track your progress daily. Keep striving to accomplish those plans.

Also Read: How to Find Your Passion

8. Be open to change

Remember, you’re a dynamic individual, and your brain is learning and changing continuously. You spend months or years finding out who you are. Sometimes, you’ve to change your current values to find the outcome. Therefore, always accept changes and allow yourself to change. This will help you be yourself, and you’ll gain new experiences in life.

9. Get out of your comfort zone

One of the significant ways to be yourself is getting out of your comfort zone. Growths can’t be made in your comfort zone. It is tough, but you have to break off these chains. Take small steps, change your routine a little, and experience new things that gradually expand your comfort zone. 

10. Find your community

A Community Allows You To Be Yourself

Last but not least, if you want to learn how to be your true self, surround yourself with the people who are genuine, optimistic, and uplift you. Find the community that loves you, knows you very well and supports you. You’ll finally learn how to be yourself in such a place, and you’ll become a better person. There are plenty of communities such as the Mental Health Support Community on Discord or Mental Health Thread on Reddit. 

Why is it hard to be yourself?

It is more complex to be yourself than it seems. Because people care so much about being accepted by others. If you let others tell you who you are and what your goals are, you can not live a meaningful life. Hence, it is challenging to be yourself in a world that possibly wants to change you. Therefore, you have to overcome this challenge, and you must realize that who you’re without anyone else is perfectly fine.

You’re allowing yourself to align with peace and shine forth when you’ll follow your bliss and do what you want. Although it is hard, it is a rewarding process. Anything worth having takes patience, time and effort, so don’t get discouraged & move forward with confidence.

The bottom line

Nothing is more powerful in the world than being yourself. If you do what you love rather than living up to society’s expectations, you’ll become the best possible version of yourself. So, focus on your journey and practice becoming all of yourself by implementing the ways mentioned above. It is a work in progress that takes time.

So, please don’t give up and be inspired & motivated to discover your individuality & embrace it. Do you know any other ways that you have tried to be yourself? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero, an Elite Transformation and Executive Coach, specializes in high-performance coaching and personal transformation, guiding professionals to peak success and fulfillment. With decades of experience, Vivien empowers high achievers, executives, and entrepreneurs through mindset shifts and strategic development.
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