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To Be Happy Again – You can take steps to feel happy, regardless of whether you’re having a terrible day or struggling with recurrent grief or sadness.

This article offers suggestions for boosting happiness, starting with short cheer-ups and moving on to recommendations for dealing with persistent sadness.

Keep telling yourself that you can be happy again no matter your circumstances. Additionally, keep in mind that someone, somewhere, cares about you.

Table of Contents

It ain’t east to be happy again after grieving

It is difficult to stay in the “heaviness” of sadness without transitioning to any “lightness.” Indeed, life will not be the same when a loved one passes away, or you lose a job. Certainly, you can recover and learn to live again if you want to. In fact, it’s typically unavoidable.

You can get yourself up again and live with a new spirit.

Things you need to try to wash away the sadness

When something terrible occurs in your life, it could appear as though the world is ending. But you should genuinely embrace your feelings rather than repressing or discarding them—either by diverting yourself or maintaining a decent façade. Feeling all kinds of emotions is vital because they teach you crucial things about yourself and your life.

Moreover, instead of criticizing yourself for feeling depressed, try to see this as a chance to develop, learn, and find natural healing.

Following are some of the ways to find happiness again!

1. It all starts with you, find a new purpose

Finding A New Purpose After A Grief Will Help You To Be Happy Again
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Keeping your attention on the most valuable elements to you, like your family members, your religion, your job, and many other parts of your life, maintaining a purposeful aim might help you if you’re asking how to be happy.

It’s crucial to maintain motivation when times are hard so that you can create and reach both short- and long-term goals.

Regardless of how much fame or reputation one may have, many wealthy individuals are unhappy for one primary reason: Our sadness is eventually caused by a sense of meaninglessness.

2. Understand that life won’t always go smoothly  

We all know that life is an emotional roller coaster. There will be good days, and there will be bad days as well. If you understand that everything happens for a reason, there will not always be a bed of roses for you. Sometimes you have to walk over thorns as well.

Moreover, you should allow the grief process to complete itself. Do not rush. You can’t expect to be completely joyful again until the depth of your sadness lessens. Work through your pain, severe suffering, deep sorrow, ferocious rage, and all other feelings and emotions. 

3. Identify what triggers your happiness and sadness  

It’s sometimes necessary to identify the sources of your sadness to determine what brings you a smile. Whatever is giving you tension, discomfort, anxiety, or overall misery in your life may be a relation, a profession, a living condition, or any other circumstance. Making decisions about how to go to live a happy life requires understanding what has changed or is causing your discomfort.

Decide where to focus your attention and time to attain your desired calm life. Moreover, focus on what aspects of your life you might want to try eliminating or changing. You can develop a simple comparison checklist to find your happiness and sadness triggers. 

4. Practice gratitude

Practicing Gratitude May Help You To Be Happy Again
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Gratitude can significantly improve your attitude towards life. Two-part research, for instance, discovered that cultivating thankfulness can significantly affect emotions of optimism and pleasure.

Practice saying thank you for one effort at the start of the day. You can carry out this task while washing your hair or simply sitting for your coffee.

While going about your day, consider looking for pleasant things in your life. They might be actual occurrences like finding out someone loves you or getting a well-deserved job.

They can even be insignificant acts, such as a coworker handing you a beverage of choice or a complete stranger waving to you. You might even improve your perception of all the good things around you with some work.

5. Get out of home, enjoy more sunlight and meet new people

According to one research, staying half an hour or more weekly in greenery can help reduce blood pressure and the risk of getting depressed. 

Your “green place” can be wherever you can embrace and appreciate nature and breezes, like a playground in your community, garden, or rooftop terrace.

Moreover, sunlight can significantly increase your happiness since low vitamin D can lead to depression. And chances are when you are out in parks and gardens, you will meet new people who uplift your spirit.

6. Keep yourself busy by doing positive things you enjoys

Unfortunate life events like a loss of a job or a divorce can also be an excellent chance to try new things. Find something you’ve wanted to do for a while but have been putting off doing, and just do it! As long as the change is one you choose and promotes your pleasure, it might be modest or significant.

For instance, you might begin preparing for a 5k before moving on to a half marathon and ultimately a full marathon. You will feel better off and more confident if you work out and pursue a goal.

If you’ve lost your job, it might be time to look into starting a new, exciting profession.

7. Start journaling

Vivien Roggero | Elite Transformation Coach | Photo 1550592704 6C76Defa9985?Ixlib=Rb 1.2
Photo by Lilartsy on Unsplash

A journal is a valuable tool for management, organizing your thoughts, and analyzing your emotions. You need not be a literary genius or prolific writer to gain from this.

Simple steps like writing down a few thoughts at night can help. If writing down specific things causes you anxiety, you may always shred it once you’re done. The process is what matters.

8. Try to exercise and meditate regularly

Exercise is good for your body and can also enhance self-confidence and happiness by lowering stress, anxiety, and psychological distress.

Physical activity of any size can have a positive impact. You are not required to climb a mountain or prepare for a marathon, except if doing so brings you joy.

The secret is to avoid overdoing it. If you abruptly start a demanding exercise, you can merely become irritated and sore.

Additionally, frequent meditation might help you deal with sadness. There are numerous meditation techniques to try. They may incorporate any mix of movement, concentration, spirituality, or all three.

It’s not necessary to be sophisticated to meditate. Simply spending some time alone in silence with your imagination is good.

9. Improve your daily routines

Your feeling of significance may be badly impacted by sadness, grief, or despair. It could be challenging to get out of bed in the morning and do anything useful. You’ll be more motivated and focused if you set clear, doable, demanding, yet reachable goals. You’ll be aware of your daily responsibilities and eager to cross them off your list.

Make a list of what you can accomplish today to be more productive. Brush your hair is an example of a very minor action, whereas “Pick up the kids” is a common yet crucial action, and “Don’t take as many tobacco products as earlier” is an optimistic action.

If it’s more convenient for you, list your successes daily. 

10. Talk to life coach

Vivien Roggero | Elite Transformation Coach | Photo 1573497491208 6B1Acb260507?Ixlib=Rb 1.2
Photo by Christina of wocintechchat on Unsplash

Consider scheduling weekly consultations with a therapist if you feel like you’re running into a facade. You can get treatment without severe mental illness or a life-threatening crisis.

People can enhance their coping abilities with the assistance of mental health specialists. Furthermore, once you begin, you are not obligated to continue.

You can fill your emotional toolkit with new items in just a few sessions.

Also Read: Why Do You Have To Hire An Executive Coach?

The takeaway?

Finding happiness after encountering an immense loss is not easy. You must go through different grief phases before living happy and everyday life again. We will not recommend overlooking the grief or skipping the grieving process. You should understand your feelings and then move forward to find happiness again. We hope this article helps you in finding joy again in your life!

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Picture of Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero - Elite Transformation and Executive Coach
Vivien Roggero, an Elite Transformation and Executive Coach, specializes in high-performance coaching and personal transformation, guiding professionals to peak success and fulfillment. With decades of experience, Vivien empowers high achievers, executives, and entrepreneurs through mindset shifts and strategic development.
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